Leeds Refugee Forum

One Community Centre Cromwell Street Lincoln Green Leeds, LS9 7SG

Charity which provides help for refugees to develop new skills and integrate into the local community. Weekly hosts many different language, skills and social group activities for both children and adults. Additionally, LRF is the central point of contact for over 50 Refugee Community Organizations (RCOs).

We’re currently looking for volunteers: click here to find out more

Phone- 0113 244 9600

Email- [email protected]

Instagram: @leedsrefugeeforum

Facebook: Leeds Refugee Forum

Twitter: @leedsRF

TikTok: @leedsrefugeeforum

LinkedIn: @leedsrefugeeforum

Drop-in- One Community Centre, Cromwell Street, Leeds, LS9 7SG


Opening Times:

Monday: Office hours
Tuesday: Office hours
Wednesday: Office hours
Thursday: Office hours
Friday: Office hours
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